Thursday, February 18, 2010


I'm thankful for my husband. When I whine that I have no sled, he doesn't tell me to grow up or warn that I'll get hurt. He only reminds me we don't have a hill :)

Took Slarty for a walk tonight as it was getting dark. (Does it ever get dark when there's snow on?) We went to the next neighborhood, a"holler". We heard voices and noticed there were some people high on one hillside, burning a bonfire. With the backdrop of bare trees, the gray light, the white snow, the fire all above us, I was quite struck. It reminded me of this story I read on Granny Sue's blog. I wanted to hike up there and see if February was sitting on the highest perch. It was a very Grimm's-Fairy-Tales sort of a walk.

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