Saturday, February 5, 2011

February Love

As you know, I *love* February.  (I'll wait here while you skip back to last Feb in the archives...I know it would've been more helpful to post a link...)

And, while I have loved February fairly consistently, I have not always loved Valentine's Day (especially since most folks think Feb's only redeeming qualities are V-day and the Super Bowl [don't get me started]).

But, this year I feel inspired to go with it.  Not only love the month for all its luscious Februariness, but love the hype.  We are a fickle culture.  We'll be tearing down our crepe-paper hearts in favor of shiny shamrocks before the leftover cupcakes are eaten.  So I want to meditate in the love.  It's my way, this year, of slowing down and being aware.
