Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Okay, the last two days have been chill. I don't want to think about it too hard, or even make direct eye contact with this phenomenon, in case it vanishes upon closer inspection. That being said, God gets the credit for this improvement. Work has been, uh, rough lately, and we all have been praying...very hopefully...for a break in the storm. A couple books and blogs have come my way recently that have made a difference in my own personal person, too. This one, and this here one. And this one. And of course my favorite, this book right yere.

What you get, folks, if you smoosh all that together is pretty close to my beginning-of-the-year philosophy, which, somewhere along the way, got yanked down and trampled and left in a ditch next to mile marker eleven, or so. Anyhow, said philosophy is a cozy fit for me (all of us?), and it's good to be back in control...yet less controlling. Thank God for the reminder and the refocus. I realize this post makes no sense unless you are Tiffany.

At any rate, it's good.

But, oh, no, the entry deadline to the West Virginia Writers' competition is in, ok, three days. Yeah. Gotta go.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Another Snow Day...

...and just like that she started blogging here instead of there. Which is a relief. To me, anyway. Hello, everyone.

Lots of things are piling up to make this a weird day. Firstly, the time change. I remembered it was happening until it actually was time to set the clocks forward. Then I forgot. Typical. So when I woke up this morning (late), I had to figure out if all the clocks were on time because they ALL automatically reset themselves or because they ALL didn't reset themselves...So I'd know if I was a half-hour late or an hour and a half. Oh, boy, won't my carpool buddy be pleased!

But, as it turned out, it didn't matter. Church was canceled. Actually, it was canceled last night but we were on the phone so...yeah. Suddenly, I'm no longer late but *early*. Back to bed?

NO! We went for a walk. I really need to get Slarty some boots for this. I'm certain we have the worst weather anywhere. You heard me. Anywhere. We have floods but are still considered to be in a drought. We have low humidity, but it's in the winter so your skin cracks off and blows away. We have warm weather but then, of course, it's super-humid. Most of the winter is cold rain, but then, when you're ready for spring: a big snowstorm. I shouldn't complain. That drought last summer was glorious, and I should be content, fingers crossed for another.

Anyhow we went out and it was like this:

So I decided to make these:

A little burned and gooey-centered, but it's only the second time I've made 'em. And since I don't make English muffins every day, I had to gut the pantry to find the yeast. So I reorganized it. Because I had to take everything out anyway. How long does 'Flaked Hominy' last?

So for the rest of the day, I think I'll be shockingly irresponsible and write some stuff and maybe draw some stuff, watch a movie I borrowed from the library, a totally dowdy British chick-flick. Hope and pray for school to be canceled tomorrow!