Sunday, February 28, 2010

Snow Day...again

Just signed up for an e-course I've been eyeing for a while. Excited! Nervous!

Church is cancelled again this morning for snow. All this snow, and I can't find a sled. Wal-Mart has the sand shovels and beach blankets out, but no sleds. I guess the boogie board might work; not as if it's getting much use these days.

Guess I should organize my work space in preparation for the e-course. Clear off a spot. Stare at the walls, hoping they will tell me what color paint they want. Later I will roast a chicken.

So that's our lazy Sunday.


Ann Howley said...

Hello, fellow fishie! Just saying hi to my fellow bowlmates!

Cole said...

Hi, Ann!! Thanks :)

Melanie said...

Hi fellow Fishie! Mleanie from ewe hooo! here. My Walmart doesn't have any sleds either! Just water skis. We don't get much snow down here in Orlando. It was already 80 degrees today!

See you in the Fish Bowl!

2 Soul Sisters Art Ed said...

Hi, I am i the fish bowl class with you and wanted to drop by to say HELLO! Nice to meet you and I'll see you in class. Kim