Tuesday, February 16, 2010

{{FIVE}} Things for Fun...

5 Things I Am Looking Forward To:

watching pro-
cycling on tv (at someone else's house since i don't get the ONE channel that airs it), the day when i come home and the house is COLORFUL and peaceful, finishing this book, vacation in the wild west, the ways the Lord is working in my life and my friends' lives right now...pretty awesome and humbling :)

5 Things I Did Yesterday:
browsed the blogs, made pancakes, sorted through the dissheveled stack of printed-out recipes I've been collecting for the past five years or so (yes! I did it!), watched the horrifying wipeouts on the olympic coverage--gah!, went for a walk with slarty.... And that's pretty much all I did yesterday; five things!

5 Things I Wish I Could do:
(((is this including 'cure cancer' and 'end famine' etc or are we talking .... what? that's the problem with me and these question-answer things. I always need clarification. Of course, that's the problem with me and people, too, hahaha... That's not funny, I guess... Okay, back to the questions)))

stop talking when i should (see above paragraph), keep a straight face when i should, keep in touch by snail mail with my pen-pal(s), be neat, use coupons with sophisticated ease

5 Places I’d Like to Travel To:
charleston, sc, new zealand, japan, nepal, new mexico

5 Cute things I've found online lately:

cool table, the best baby (or grownup) afg
han I have ever seen, braided headband tutorial, new lisa leonard necklace,
nice bag


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