Saturday, June 7, 2008

I've been busy, ok?

So skip April and May and head right on through to June. Let's see, what has June held in store for us so far...?
- Last day of school, YEAH!!
- Staff work day(s)
- Bonfire kickoff for the Connection
- Awards Ceremony for school...I love it, what a festivus!

Um, also I happened to crash a kick scooter. At a very high rate of speed. Please, keep all of the "Bet you'll never do that again"s and the "Now you know to stay away from scooters" and "Next time you should use the brake"s to yourselves because, trust me, I've heard these sentiments many times since Monday. I'd go into the whole horrific tale but there were so many, many witnesses that the chances are good you already know it or will very soon. Road rash is very miserable when it's on a part that bends. As Ralphie says on the Simpsons: "Tastes like burning!"

More later on this weekend's festivities...

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