Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Snow & Redecorating

We are on another snow day (yesssss!). I just love the peaceful mornings moving at my own pace. I am not a morning person but I do love mornings. I just need to creep along at my slug's pace, absorbing coffee, until eleven or so. Then I'm good.

Anyhow, one of the hardware mega-giants is having a paint sale. Now, those of you who know me are probably aware of how I detest the rose-patterned wall paper in my kitchen/dining room/bike shop. Sigh. For seven years I have detested it. Where does the time go? This is way over-due.

The problem is, I have such a hard time deciding what color to go with. If it's taken this long to paint the first time, how long will it take to re-paint??

But the sale..... I have to act fast. The room faces eastish. The so-called experts recommend a warm-toned hue.

I've been thinking about this color on some or all the walls of our living room since an impromptu drive to the ocean a couple of Aprils ago. Have you been to the Eastern Shore in April? When the skies are gray, the wisteria blooming in the crowns of the tallest trees, the sand glowing, somehow, the water this color? Well, you should.

so, after two days of mulling and slugging around, that's what I got, yo. I know. This is why it's taking seven years. Sigh. The journey, the journey, I'm enjoying the journey.

Me 'n' my furfriend are going out into the snow for a bit, now. Ciao.

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