Sunday, July 5, 2009

What I've Been Missing

For several (several) years, we have been in Colorado for the Fourth of July. Now, don't get me wrong. That's been a great--actually, a "zany"--place to be. But there were certain things I missed. I can't go into details, much. There was just a general feeling of missing things with our family and friends.

But I knew I missed the WV Arts and Crafts Fair. We would always go on Sunday (because we're cheap) so we could *maybe* get in for free or reduced price, and find some steals as the exhausted crafter artisans prepared to pack up and head home. Good times.

Since we had to schedule vacation later this year, I was stoked for the Fair. But, gasp! It was shorter this year--no Sunday! I came so close to missing out. (That's another story about me and some wicked angel cake. I won't tell you this story. It involves horrifying gluttony and a humiliating repentance.) But I drove down there myself on the 4th because I could NOT miss it. Who knows when the next time would be?

I had a good time even though I had a cake hangover and was some lonesome. Certain things the same, others different. I bought only food, but I took photos of my phavorites--my best of show, if you will. (Christmas hints!)

These are pendants made from broken china! So neat. Anna's China Jewelry: I really should've zoomed in some but I was being jostled.

Lovely lovely yarns. I must learn to make something other than scarves and assorted squares and rectangles. I have a book from the library on that, but that's tangential, so back to the yarn: Cyndi Bolt Designs:

This is the quilt that won the show. I'm not generally a multiple-pastel person, but I loved it. I didn't write down the information for this artsy person, but the wvaacf website may list it.

Seriously, someone get me this pottery birdbath for Christmas. I don't even want a stand for it. I just love it resting in among the flowers like this. And a teapot. I want a teapot, too. (All of her pottery can go in the micro, oven, and dishwasher! Wha?!)

Someday when I have a gorgeous home, I picture this somewhere in it. All of their work was...well, have a look at it yourself.

Also of note was Krack's Fiddle Shop. I was pretty sure the cat playing the fiddle was, indeed, the Jake Krack. So I was star-struck because I have this CD. So I just crept around pretending to look at instrumental things I have no idea about while he sat there fiddling and talking to customers. Yep.

And there was a felted wool booth that was totally IT. I think her name is Anne Grimes. Anyone have any more info? Love to have more time to browse her work....

So, Happy Fourth and crafting :)

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